So we have configured and enabled the TCPIP licenses and got everything up and running.
Now lets get the TCPIP configured on OpenVMS.
Configuration is menu driven and fairly simple. It is initiated by the following command
First we need to configure the network device (in our case interface WE1) Here is an example of my config that I use
Next we configure the BIND resolver
Before we do the configuration, make sure you add the desired DNS hostname into the hosts database (do not edit the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$HOST.DAT directly, use the CONFIG.COM command to do so like this
tcpip> SET HOST googledns /address=
Once you have the DNS resolver in the Hosts database you can use the @TCPIP$CONFIG.COM ; here is my config
Next we want to configure SSH/SSHD services on our OpenVMS box. Please note that the host ssh key generation process takes some time (approx 5 minutes on alphavm_free)
Once we have the SSH configured and working, we want the TCPIP settings saved so upon next reboot the configuration comes up.
We need to use a good terminal emulator to edit files on OpenVMS so I have used Putty in this example
Make sure to set the following command to auto-configure the terminal
To allow TCP/IP Services software to start automatically when the system starts up, and to stop automatically when the system shuts down, edit the SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file to remove the exclamation point (!) from the beginning of the following line:
Save text by CTRL+Z (:exit)
Discard changes by CTR+Y (:exit)
Next – OpenVMS metasploit tests .. this might take some time :) but well worth a try.